Help-Portrait Vancouver EVENT DATE: November 30, 2024

Help-Portrait Vancouver
@HelpPortraitVan event will be in Vancouver tomorr…

@HelpPortraitVan event will be in Vancouver tomorrow Nov 28th. Thanks @jeremycowart for starting this @HelpPortrait worldwide movement!

@jeremycowart Jeremy, just had our event this past…

@jeremycowart Jeremy, just had our event this past weekend. Bts video is coming soon. Live blog:… #helpportrait #YVR

RT @jeremycowart: My friends at @UbuntuHP told me…

RT @jeremycowart: My friends at @UbuntuHP told me today they’ve done @Help_Portrait for over 36,000 people in South Africa and Swaziland. WOW. #HelpPortrait

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Help-Portrait Vancouver ( is an independent group of volunteers who are participating in the worldwide Help-Portrait, Inc. movement to give portraits away to the underprivileged. This is not an officially sponsored Help-Portrait Inc site, and is not managed by Help-Portrait, Inc. The opinions and views expressed on this website do not reflect those of Help-Portrait Inc. (