Help-Portrait Vancouver EVENT DATE: November 30, 2024

Help-Portrait Vancouver


Every year we ask our volunteers and community members to donate some money to help cover the costs of producing Help-Portrait Vancouver. We don’t have any corporate sponsors, but it doesn’t take a lot of money per person to make our event a success. Every donation helps with our expenses – paper, ink, insurance, etc. We recognize that the economy has been volatile, budgets are tight, but even a donation of $5 or $10 will help to truly bring joy to a large group of people who are substantially less fortunate this holiday season.

The fine print: As we are not a registered charitable organization, we unfortunately cannot issue tax receipts. Any residual money will go towards funding next year’s event. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at

On behalf of both our volunteers and our guests, thank you in advance. Without your assistance, Help-Portrait Vancouver would not be possible.

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Help-Portrait Vancouver ( is an independent group of volunteers who are participating in the worldwide Help-Portrait, Inc. movement to give portraits away to the underprivileged. This is not an officially sponsored Help-Portrait Inc site, and is not managed by Help-Portrait, Inc. The opinions and views expressed on this website do not reflect those of Help-Portrait Inc. (