Full hearts on Sat giving the gift of #portraits to those in need #GivingTuesday #helpportraitvan #helpportrait… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Cheers @bgcater for keeping us fed & energized. You’ve been an incredible supporter of #helpportraitvan thank you! bit.ly/2gcK5OP
Sometimes our photographers can’t help but take a selfie between guests … #helpportrait #helpportraitvan… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Stanley a regular to #helpportraitvan. He’s a carver & carved this amazing #eagle head cane. He’s sending this phot… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Family’s and volunteers they just go together … #helpportrait #helpportraitvan #giveback #community #vancouver https://t.co/kLTsiWeuHi
This little one came into #helpportraitvan to have her photo taken & ended up behind the camera -budding photograph… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
The beginning of every #helpportraitvan event starts with the customary “goofy” group photo. What a lovely bunch.… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Sat. we’ll be live blogging, Facebooking and Twittering our #helpportraitvan day. Join us!! ! #helpportrait #Vancouver #giveback #community
At #helpportraitvan we love the #dtes for its history, community & resilience. But even more we ❤️the smiles in front of our cameras. #3days
Only one week left until #helpportraitvan. So excited. #makeportraits #giveback #community #vancouver #helpportrait… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
“They [#helpportraitvan] make you feel proud of who you are and where you come from, of where I am going”… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
#Giveback & #volunteer with us Nov26 #Helpportraitvan gives the gift of free portraits to those in need bit.ly/2dh3P4h #vancouver
I think it’s safe to say these two ladies are pretty happy and proud of their portraits. #helpportraitvan https://t.co/JwbTDVRwLg
Halfway through and we’ve had a steady stream of guests coming through. All leaving with smiles and wonderful portraits #helpportraitvan
Live Christmas music is filling the room and providing a great festive mood @ugm #helpportraitvan https://t.co/OA2zTt1fnj
We’ve had our first baby photo of the day with a cute little 5 month old #helpportraitvan https://t.co/UVvK96qUbz
This has got to be the most interesting shot of the day #helpportraitvan http://t.co/AZFJq0krGM
We’re winding down to the last hour here @ugm and its been an amazing day #helpportraitvan
Thanks to the volunteers braving the chilly weather @ugm #helpportraitvan http://t.co/LQT4ZtMhci
More happy couples and their portraits #helpportraitvan http://t.co/y4HRS0c39o
Lovely mother and daughter portrait #helpportraitvan http://t.co/456o3OwSKx
Portrait made into Xmas card from dad. #helpportraitvan http://t.co/6LXZRjGGLc
Kids having a great time coloring and sipping on hot chocolate @ugm #helpportraitvan http://t.co/xLX7uddTKo
First photos are already starting! Super stoked! #helpportraitvan